Cooking School Secrets: Making the Switch to Clarified Butter

When the stove begins to heat up, the person in the apron becomes a mad scientist of sorts. We boil, separate, and emulsify ingredients according to recipes that could easily be mistaken for chemistry experiment instructions. Anyone who has ever boiled water has dabbled in the intricacies of manipulating chemical compounds, and is well aware that even the most simple of processes can go horribly wrong. Fortunately for the Dr. Frankensteins of the kitchen everywhere, a blog published in today’s Phoenix New Times addresses a surprisingly common kitchen chemistry blunder: the process of cooking with butter. “Cooking School Secrets: Making the Switch to Clarified Butter” exposes the hazards of heating the volatile compound known as butter, and offers a genius solution to the problem. As many have already discovered the hard way, the milk solids in butter heat at a low temperature and burn at a startling rate. But fret not, my fellow fans of churned milk: the answer has risen to the top. By slowly simmering the butter and skimming rising milk solids from the top, one achieves a heat-friendly end product full of flavor. To learn the tricks to mastering this experiment, read the full blog here:


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