Timisoara - Romania Restaurants

Ristorante La dolce Vita – Restaurant cu specific italian din Timisoara. Te invitam in locatia La Dolce Vita pentru a cunoaste personal povestea restaurantului. Dar pe scurt in cateva randuri, povestea incepe cu mai mult de 30 de ani de experienta a familiei, plus 15 de ani de propie experineta. In tot parcursul acestor ani am ajuns sa intelegem cum sa ne servim cel mai bine clientii prin intermediul dedicarii seriozitatii si adevaratelor principii de servire a clientului. In loc sa urmam tendintele, le stabilim. Cream mancare cu care suntem mandri ca o servim si o livram rapid. Ne asiguram …

We wanted to create a central urban green space, where coffee lovers can enjoy a break in a nice chill environment, a cool place to brunch, have an afternoon drink or a local glass of wine, and meet with friends and loved ones. Great for social gatherings, coffee pit stops, and cultural events. Also, we share plant knowledge with the young ones in our monthly plant-based event, with book readings and plant swap programs for the local community! We hope your visit will be a remarkable one! Cheers to coffee!