31 Flavors Minus a Few

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay

Ice cream lovers beware: Baskin Robbins has recently decided to retire five of flavors including its classic French Vanilla.  The ice cream legends maintain a steady collection of roughly 1300 recipes, allowing each of their stores to serve 31 different flavors at a time.  In NPR’s interview with Dr. Tharp of the University of Pennsylvania, readers are explained the difference between the regular vanilla and French vanilla flavors and provided some insight into the public’s disappointment.

Unlike classic vanilla, the UPenn professor explains, French Vanilla uses  egg yolks.  Believe it or not, egg yolks have been used throughout ice cream’s history to provide a more buttery custard flavor and yellow coloring. French Vanilla is a flavor with colonial roots, which explains the public’s shock and disappointment at its retirement. Hopefully classic vanilla and chocolate will remain safe a while longer as they seem to be American staples in the ice cream world.

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