Recovering New Orleans’ Recipes

In the devastating events of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, people lost more than their homes and possessions—they also lost family recipes.  It never fails that food remains at the heart of the family, bringing everyone together to share in happy-memory-inducing comfort food.  Those affected were aided by the city’s remaining Times-Picayune's files, and the paper even created a "Lost and Found trading post" so that readers could ask for and share their favorite recipes.  This great exchange led writer Marcelle Bienvenu and food editor Judy Walker to compile a beautiful new cookbook, "Cooking Up a Storm,” whose mouth-watering recipes and pictures will inspire you into culinary action.  

If you’re looking for great Southern food without the pots and pans, try San Francisco’s fresh and soulful farmerbrown, or one of the many House of Blues locations across the country, including San Diego, where you have the opportunity to take in jazz and blues performances while you eat.

"Cooking Up a Storm: Recipes Lost and Found from The Times-Picayune of New Orleans," by Marcelle Bienvenu and Judy Walker (Chronicle Books, 2008, 368 pages paperback, $24.95).


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