Potato Gnocchi
Preheat oven to 450. Scrub potatoes and bake for 45-50 minutes, until cooked. Remove potatoes from oven, push each through a tamis and allow to cool. Season potatoes with salt and nutmeg, and add egg yolks. Combine and form a well in the center of the potato mixture. Add flour and work together for 3 minutes, kneading by hand. Form into 6 balls and roll each one out . Cut into 1" pieces, roll on board and blanch in water. Cool in cold water.
To Serve:
Warm gnocchi and ragu together over low-medium heat until gnocchi are well coated and the center of each is warm. Place on plates and top with shaved parmesan cheese.
Potato Gnocchi Note:
It is important that the potatoes cool before incorporating the egg yolks. If the poatoes are too hot, the yolks can become cooked from the heat of the potaoes. If you don't own a tamis, pushing the potatoes through a food mill, colander, or even mashing by hand will work. The finer and more uniform the potatoes, the better.
Ragu Bolognese
In a large, oven-proof stockpot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onions, celery, garlic, and carrots and cook for 12 minutes, until onions sweat. Add veal, pork, and pancetta and cook for about 30 minutes, browning all over. Add tomato paste and toast for 4 minutes. Add milk and cook down for 20 minutes. Add wine and cook 20 more minutes. Place a cover on the sauce and allow to cook in a 300-degree oven for 2 hours. Remove from oven and add thyme. Season with salt and pepper, cool, and reserve.